Friday, September 7, 2012

Brown Sugar Turkey Burgers

I cannot claim credit for this recipe.  This was all the idea of my new and dear friend Rose, who is among one of my favorite people I've met while living here in Georgia.  A little background, in case you do not know me personally (rare at this nascent stage of my blogging exposure, but hey you never know), or in case you do know me personally, but not as well as all that.

I was born in Maine.  Yup, like land of the lobster, and of saying "wicked," and of Whoopie Pies.  Oh God, Whoopie Pies... I'm thinking of trying to make those, just as a heads-up, guys.  Anyway, I am a proud native Mainer.  Ayuh.

I was raised in New Jersey, from age 3 to 22.  I lived about 45 minutes outside NYC, just close enough that a day trip into the city is easy, but just far enough away that I could get to nature and greenery very easily.  I was actually one of the few in my town who was fortunate enough to live across from woods.

I went to college in New York state.  Not to be confused with New York City, this area (called the Southern Tier of New York) is highly rural, sometimes isolated, definitely different from any New York you'd think of if you're not from there.  But beautiful.  Even in the cold-ass winter.

I moved to Georgia, about 1 1/2 years ago.  Why, you ask?  Partially because my boyfriend's family was here, and they let us live with them in my transitional period between college and grad school, and partially because I was ready to try someplace new for a while.  It's lovely, marshy, and palmy here, even through all the humidity.

Who knows if I would've gotten so into cooking, food blogs, and food in general if it hadn't been for Kyle's talented mother getting me started with her repertoire of recipes.  So that's my journey so far, in a nutshell.  I'm sure you'll hear about parts of it at a later date, but for now, enjoy these burgers that Rose whipped up one night and made me drool over when she told me about them the next day.

Brown Sugar Turkey Burgers
(Adapted from Rose's recipe)

1 lb. ground turkey
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1/2 packet McCormack seasoning (used Backyard Brew, but want to try it with Brown Sugar Bourbon)
3-4 slices provolone cheese (optional)

Using your hands, mix 1/2 packet of seasoning into 1 lb. ground turkey.  Form into patties, and place in unheated, olive oil-greased skillet.  Turn burner on medium-high, but leave skillet off the heat.  Sprinkle half of the brown sugar on the tops of your patties.  Flip the patties over, and sprinkle the rest on the other side.  Put the skillet over the hot burner, and sear both sides.  Then cover the skillet and let cook on medium heat for 5-7 minutes or until cooked all the way through.  If you desire, place 1 slice provolone cheese on each burger and cook on medium-low until cheese is melted.  Makes 4 small burgers or 3 large burgers.

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