Sunday, January 19, 2014

Cheddar & Apple Salad Bites

I'm back!  I've got bronchitis, and I sound a little pitiful when I talk, but I'm back!  And I promise, I didn't cough on these bites before I served them to my boyfriend for lunch.
The first week of classes went well, but it's funny how your body can just rebel against you and tell you a firm, "NO.  I'm not doing this anymore.  I need sleep, and water, and some antibiotics.  Then - and ONLY then - will I do what you want me to do."  I thought I had a cold for a while, but it didn't go away.  Then I got a cough.  And by Friday, I had a full-blown fever, which is always the winning point in the "should I go to the doctor?" argument I have with myself sometimes.  So I got "on the sauce," as my dad likes to say, and now I'm here.  Thank God I have a 3-day weekend and some codeine-infused cough syrup to help me recuperate.

Also, I finally finished reading a book I've been working on for literally more than a year (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, in case you're really wondering).  I'm not sure why it takes me so long to finish books, but I think it has something to do with a lack of time for pleasure reading, combined with a desire to make things last.  Probably more of the latter.  It actually makes me sad to hear people say they finished a book in one day.  Where's the chance to really think about it and enjoy it and let the characters sink in and become part of you?

I guess I do the same thing with food, too - I've definitely been called a food hoarder more than once in my life.  I've let food go bad more than I'd care to admit because of this habit of wanting to "save it for later."  I just don't like to see things go quickly, you know?  I want to know that I've gotten to spend a sufficient amount of time with my food (or book) for my money.

These salad bites are my first venture into my new project, based on the lovely 30 Pounds of Apples and her delicious recipes.  So even though I may be slightly phlegm-y, I managed to keep my promise to myself (and to you) to do a post this week, and I intend to continue.  See you next week for round 2!

My trusty food processor, post-choppifying.

 Chop dem apples any which way you wants.

 This was the longest and most tedious part of the process by far.  But the result is so cute and teensy!

Status check: does your dressing look about like this?  Good.

Almost finished...

Et voilà !  She is complete!

They were super tasty.  And are now super gone.

Cheddar & Apple Salad Bites
Adapted from 30 Pounds of Apples

Makes 20-30 crackers' worth

1 crisp apple, such as Pink Lady, Jazz, or Honeycrisp
5 oz sharp cheddar cheese
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon honey
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon granulated sugar
20-30 crackers
dried thyme to garnish

Cut the apple into slices, and drop into your food chopper or processor if you have one (or chop by hand into 1/2" pieces).  Pulse the food processor until no piece is larger than 1/2".  Cut the cheese into very small cubes, about 1/4" big.  Mix apple and cheddar in a medium bowl.

In a small bowl, combine red wine vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, honey, salt, pepper, and sugar.  Pour the mixture over the apples and cheddar and mix and until they're evenly coated with dressing.  Adjust seasoning if necessary.

Put about 1 tablespoon of the salad onto each cracker, sprinkle each one with thyme, and serve immediately.

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